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The Ultimate Guide to Designing a High Converting Opt in Page

If you’re looking for advice on how to design and create a high converting opt in page then you need to check out this informative blog post. Click here for more information on this subject!

Opt in pages are a type of landing page where website owners are trying to collect email addresses from prospective clients.

Now, you may be asking yourselves, why anyone would bother with email in these days of social media and search engine marketing? Hasn’t it become the boring grandfather of marketing, soon to go the way of radio or print ads?

No way! Email marketing is far from past its prime. In fact, even though email marketing is expensive, it has a median ROI of 122%. That’s more than four times higher than social media in second place with 28%.

Of course, before you can focus your efforts on writing killer emails that convert, you need to design an opt in page that will make people willingly give up their email addresses.

Read on to learn some tips for designing high converting opt in pages.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page differs from other pages on your website because it’s designed with one specific purpose. Turn website visitors into potential leads.

For blogs and other pages on your website, people reach them via search engine optimization. On the other hand, users are directed to a landing page when they click on one of your advertisements whether it’s on social media or a search engine.

Due to their singular nature, landing pages are sometimes entirely separate from a company’s website. The idea is to get users to focus on one thing and not be suscept to distractions.

A landing page can be used at any time you’re initiating engagement with potential users including selling products, offering white papers and more. Today, we’ll focus on opt in pages for collecting email addresses.

Designing A Killer Opt In Page

When designing your opt in page, don’t be afraid to turn to some of your favorite websites for inspiration! Think about the last few websites that you signed up for. How did they convince you to sign up for their email list? It comes down to a combination of persuasive copy and clever design.

Identify Your Audience

Think about the personality characteristics of your perfect customer or buyer persona. What do you or your product offer that will provide value to this person?

By understanding the wants and needs of your target customer, you can craft copy that will resonate with them.

Eliminate Distractions

Make sure there are no distractions on your opt in page. When people reach that landing page, you want them to focus on one thing; exchanging their email address for whatever you’re offering.

Many companies will even set up a page that is separate from their main website. This means that there is no sidebar or menu with links to other pages on the website. There are no links in the copy that can distract your readers.

The only thing they see is your copy leading to the CTA (call to action).

Necessary Content

Can you imagine if you clicked on a company’s landing page and it was just an email form with a big “sign up” button? You would just assume that the web developer had forgotten to build the rest of the website!

There are a few essential elements that you must include on your landing pages so that your visitors have a reason to sign up with you.

Firstly, you need to have a killer headline. As a society, we have a very short attention span. You have just eight seconds to convince readers to stay on your page. If your headline doesn’t grab their attention, they’ll just close the tab and move on.

After your title, you need to write about the benefits of your product or service. Keep your copy short and snappy. The best way to do this is to write in bullet points rather than full sentences.

Now that your readers are excited about what you’re offering, tell them what to do next. Create a big and eye-catching button with your CTA so your readers know exactly what to do.

Finally, and this one should be obvious, you need the opt in form so that users can give you their email address.

Those are all the elements that you need to include on your opt in landing page.

Depending on the nature of your product or service, you may additionally want to include testimonials or press mentions to support the benefits you’ve described in the copy.

Give an Incentive

No one wants to give something for nothing. Giving an incentive provides a good reason for people to share their email address with you.

Create an incentive that’s specific to your industry. If you run a digital marketing company, it could be a white paper on how to create a content calendar. If you’re a travel blogger, you could do a step by step guide on how to launch a website or how to edit photos.

You will run into the issue that some people will unsubscribe as soon as they receive this offer. If this happens frequently, consider using an automated program that sends out the offer as a series of three or four emails over a short period of time.

Keep Your Opt In Form Short and Sweet

Nothing is more annoying than a sign-up form that asks for everything from the name of your first pet to the address of your childhood home.

For every field in your sign up form, you’re risking people deciding that they can’t be bothered to sign up.

If you can get by with just an email address, you’ll see that your percentage of signups is higher than if you ask for other information. Don’t forget that you can always collect more information once they have joined your mailing list.

Put Yourself in Your Customer’s Shoes

The best way to create high converting opt in pages is to view your landing pages from the customer’s point of view. Think about the pages that have convinced you to share your precious email address and use those as inspiration.

Still unsure about how to create engaging opt in pages? Contact us today about your marketing goals and we can sit down and see how we can help.